We had a plan to take Greg's parents up to Grand Mesa in Colorado to meet a couple of Greg's sisters for a family camping trip. We were taking our van and Greg's parents camper van. Greg's parent's camper stalled on the way up the million dollar highway out of Durango. Greg was able to get it started again and we didn't want to take a chance continuing high up into the San Juan Mountains. We turned around and headed back to Durango. Karen was able to call United Campgrounds of Durango and reserved a couple camping spots for us all. We called Greg's sisters and told them where to find us.
We very much thank United Campgrounds of Durango for being so accommodating and flexible in getting us spots and later letting us move to the grass tent area when there were no more RV sites available. (The grass ended up being much more pleasant than the gravel RV area.)
Our first gravel spots at United Campgrounds of Durango |
We were able to move down to the grassy "tent" area at United Campgrounds, which we all liked better. |
Greg, Liam and Sock Monkeys relaxing. Liam was Greg's parent's dog (RIP). |
Each morning and each evening two classic tour trains go through the campground. We loved seeing and hearing them. |
Here is a video of the train going through the campground:
Beautiful flowers we saw on a hike in downtown Durango. |
Karen with the train bridge over the Animas River in Durango (kayakers below). Durango has a fantastic bike/walking trail along the river. |
Greg next to fish artwork along the Animas River Trail. |
A raccoon got into Greg's parent's cooler and ate or destroyed absolutely everything. We laughed because the raccoon ate an entire package of prunes, several Boosts, V8, orange juice and milk. We are sure he or she had quite the belly ache. |
The large warm pool at Trimble Spa and Natural Hot Springs in Durango. |
Greg's parents enjoying our propane fire pit. We love this fire pit which is great if there are fire restrictions and even if there aren't restrictions. |
The Animas River viewed near the United Campgrounds of Durango |
Liam taking the low-cost city trolly from the Campground to downtown Durango |
Greg's sister, Mom, and Karen enjoying the campground's pool. |
The view from the campground. |
Next up: Trip to Yosemite via California Highway 395