Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hanging Out at Hanging Lake

Camping at Yosemite in our first summer married
In early August, we celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. How better to celebrate than a multi-day camping trip? We headed north to Colorado for dry camping, hiking and Shakespeare.

One of our first stops was a hike to Hanging Lake. This very popular hike is about seven miles east of Glenwood Springs in Glenwood Canyon, As we left Glenwood Springs heading east on I-70 we encountered three really large electronic highway warning signs that said "PARKING LOT FULL FOR HANGING LAKE! DO NOT EXIT! Uh oh! Luckily, Greg won't let a sign deter him when he is on a mission.

We were in our camper and decided to go for it and hoped someone was pulling out of a parking spot. The hassle with this section of I-70 is many exits don't allow you to get back on I-70 heading the same direction. Heading east on I-70 take the Hanging Lake Exit (125). The fact that a number of the exits can only be reached when heading a certain direction is is a big hassle but not impossible to navigate if you are prepared for the required maneuvering.  Luckily, Greg's confidence and willingness to take a risk paid off. There were four or five parking spots still available. I wonder how many people just kept going because of the highway warning signs.

Sign at start of hike
Trail begins along the Glenwood Canyon Bike and Pedestrian Path

The trail follows Dead Horse Creek for 1.2 miles and a 1,020 foot elevation gain. The trail is full of rocks and tree roots so it is necessary to step with care. We saw several people trip along the trail. I should also say - this is probably the busiest trail we have ever been on except maybe the hike to Half Dome in Yosemite.

I tend to be a clutz when I hike - so I was extra careful on this trail.
The trail is tree lined and follows a beautiful creek. There are many small waterfalls and greenery adjacent to the trail. Also the trail has many switchbacks and steps. It is relatively short trail, but fairly steep. You get to cross a number of small wooden bridges across the creek.

Oh yeah - you have to dodge people going up and down the trail. 

The views along the trail are beautiful.

Almost there!

Looking back down the canyon we hiked up before getting to Hanging Lake. Great start to our anniversary trip.

Our destination! Hanging Lake
When we were walking up the final stairway - a nice guy said Make sure you go up to Spouting Rock. You won't be disappointed." He was so right!

Once you have taken in the beauty of Hanging Lake and are heading back along the boardwalk, look for a sign on your right to Spouting Rock. At first I thought - wow another beautiful waterfall. Then I looked more closely and realized the water is falling from the middle of the cliff face. It is also super cool because you can walk behind the waterfall and the mist was especially nice on the rather hot August afternoon.

You can see that the water comes out of the middle of the cliff face. Really cool!

We were treated to an amazing, super full moon as we drove to a great rest stop in Edwards, Colorado

Edwards rest stop welcome wagon!
We stayed overnight in the rest area parking lot.  Near us were trucks overnighting.  Apparently it is allowed.  

Colorado says you are only suppose to "rest" in the rest areas, but what is rest?  To me it's sleeping. We made a nice breakfast on a picnic table there in the morning.  We slept great.  There was car / truck noise but it didn't bother us. Others were sleeping in cars and there was another RV. There is a dump station here.

Yummy breakfast with our Van in background.

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