Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving Thanks

"Life sometimes gets in the way of writing." - Jean M Auel

Two months is too long to not have written a post. We've been busy and a lot has happened during our little hiatus. Tomorrow being Thanksgiving,  I want to pause for a moment and give thanks. I am grateful for the beauty around me, my friends and family, my new found RV online community and a wonderful plan for living simply and turning our love of camping and hiking into a full time adventure.

From Mary's Monkeys on Esty

Tim & Amanda on walk along one of Los Alamos' amazing mesas
We had a wonderful time visiting, eating and hiking with Amanda and Tim of Watsons Wander when they camped above Los Alamos in September. Yes, I know - long time - no write!

Saying hi to Oppenheimer & Groves outside Fuller Lodge in Los Alamos
After a great week socializing - we drove to Scottsdale, Arizona for a work conference. We debated taking our camper, but decided to stay in a hotel for easy access to the conference. We continued with our daily walks even though the temperatures were in the low 100's and high 90's. We saw a number of great campgrounds along our drive.

Greg hiked up Camelback Mountain 
Looking back down at Scottsdale
Looking back at Camelback Mountain
We had beautiful walks after my classes each day. Hot but beautiful
In late October, Greg's dad celebrated his 80th birthday. We hosted a small party for him and other folks who live in the Senior Condos where Greg's folks live. It was a fun couple of days.

Birthday King
Greg and two of his four sisters toasting
their Dad before the guests started arriving

Greg and our nephew Julian took time during the birthday
celebrations for a hike above the canyon in Los Alamos. 

We had a lot of fun watching the playoffs and World Series and were thrilled when our favorite team won! Go Giants! 

Giant Sock Monkey 
We have a number of years of part-timing before we get to hit the open road for good. But, while we are in our sticks and bricks home, we know we are very lucky to live in such an amazingly beautiful place. There are so many opportunities for daily hikes and exploration here in Northern New Mexico.  
Karen and our friend Nancy, at the Natural Arch above Los Alamos

Karen and Greg on fall hike above Los Alamos
Looking back to Los Alamos from the other side of the Natural Arch
Love our Los Alamos landscape
Last weekend, I flew on a nine seater plane from the Los Alamos airport to Albuquerque to catch a Southwest flight to Oakland to visit family and celebrate my niece's Quinceanera.   

Why yes, that is a bear on the plane
My beloved uncle and aunt on a relaxing camping trip this summer.
They raised me and I always love to go home to see my family.
It was a memorable weekend. My niece was so happy with her celebration and she is stunning! The picture below is of Eliana and her proud papa in their surprise dance. It started out very traditionally and then they broke loose. We all had a lot of fun dancing the night away. 

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Blogs We Love

WatsonsWander - Exploring and working fulltime from our Airstream

Cheap RV Living

    Rolling in a RV - Wheelchair Traveling