
Monday, April 14, 2014

RVing News

Image courtesy WSNFC

The Yakima Herald Republic has a story on rising fees on public lands taking a toll:

In testimony last week before a subcommittee, Benzar said growing dependence on concessionaires by the Forest Service — which after two decades of declining budgets doesn’t have the manpower to maintain all of its campgrounds — could mean use fees at dispersed camping and other sites that have so far been fee-free.

"In the context of these agencies’ past actions,” Benzar said, early FLREA amendment drafts indicate “they would charge a fee anyplace that there is any sort of a toilet in the vicinity — even a Porta-Potty. The amenities threshold of where fees could be charged would be reduced to nearly zero.
“This bill would be a throwback to the anything-goes authority already proven to be a failure ... ‘Pay to play’ would become ‘pay to pee.’”

Read the full article HERE.

More from the Western Slope No-Fee Coalition HERE.

A lot of the folks we read about RVing out there count on low cost/no cost Forest Service and BLM access in order to make their budgets work during at least part of the year.  It would be a shame if the Forest Service were able to skirt the laws that keep access free and low cost by turning over the management of these areas to concessionaires. Contact your Senators and Representatives and let them know you are against expanding concessionaire contracts on Forest Service and BLM lands. -Greg

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